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Hardiness Zone 2

Acer ginnala ‘Flame’

Flame Maple

One of the hardiest trees available. Specimens are very interesting in form because of their spreading branch pattern. Flame is a seed source selection chosen for improved form and consistent fall colour...


Celtis occidentalis


A lovely yet tough tree that thrives in almost every imaginable situation. Large saw-toothed leaves, fleshy orange-red to dark purple seedpods in fall which are relished by birds...


Cornus alba ‘ByBoughen’

Neon Burst™ Dogwood

Attractive chartreuse foliage, retaining bright leaf colour throughout summer. New leaves are tinged with bronze and the stems have a rich red hue early in the season...

First Editions

Larix decidua ‘Pendula’

Weeping Larch Std. (Top or Bottom Grafted)

Weeping form with bright green spring foliage which turns a spectacular ochre yellow before dropping its needles in autumn...

Topgrafted Standards

Malus x ‘DurLawrence’

Courageous Crabapple

In early spring Courageous crabapple is covered with pink flowers. It has a broad upright growth habit. The new variety has green leaves and new leaves emerge in a bronzy red colour...


Malus x ‘Jefgreen’

Emerald Spire® Columnar Crabapple

Slow growing crabapple that has a columnar tree form. Pink flowers emerge in spring followed by red fruit. Disease free foliage and dwarf, columnar growth habit...


Malus x ‘Jeflite’

Starlite Crabapple

White flowers in early spring. The fruit is very small and shiny, bright red in colour. The fruit is retained well into the winter months and adds to this cultivar's ornamental value...


Malus x ‘Prairie Fire’

Prairie Fire Crabapple

Outstanding flowering tree, upright form becomes rounded with age. True red flowers in spring. Blooms later than other crabapples. New growth is reddish maturing to dark green...
